My fabulous grandad

Created by Alana 3 years ago


Where do I begin?...

I still can't believe you're gone. I miss you terribly and think about you everyday. I already hate to think about life without you in it. I have so many fond memories of you and most of them are you making me laugh doing something ridiculous. I remember all the fun times we had in Wales. I would always get so excited when the summer holidays came as it meant we would be coming to visit! One particular memory that sticks in my mind is when Bradley slammed a car door on your head. Looking back, it was probably a good thing that there are a car door between you and the rest of us as I'm sure there were some profanities being shouted after that incident. You took it like a trooper, composed yourself and starting playing with Bradley and his new electric car! I remember one New Year's eve you got a huge firework and set it off in the crescent. You started walking back very cocky with fag in hand when suddenly.....BOOM! I've never seen you run so fast in my entire life. Needless to say we had a good giggle about that one. Another funny memory I have of you is when Mum and Dad had bought Bradley and I a Nintendo Wii and Grandma hit you across you bad knee with the remote. I thought you were going to end up in outer space with how high you jumped out your chair!

Funny stuff aside, you and Grandma have always been two wonderful people to look up to. The relationship you both have is something I wish to have for myself and I do believe that is something I will have with Adam. I'm so so pleased you got to meet him. I can't imagine a world without you knowing him. I'm sure he is glad he met you too, sharing your love for ale and rum! I hope you're proud of me and I hope i continue to make you proud each and every day for the rest of my life.

I love you so so much and I miss you terribly. I think about you each day and you will always hold a special place in my heart

With all my love

Alana xxxxxxx
